Top 100 Companies for Millennial Women

ARTICLE ID : 1032 11 Oct, 2018 11:45 Top 100 companies


We are proud to announce that Stanley Black & Decker has recently earned recognition as one of the Top 100 Companies for Millennial Women in 2017 on a list published by Mogul – an award-winning online platform that enables women worldwide to connect, share information and access knowledge from each other.

“With estimations indicating it will take up until 2085 for women to reach leadership parity and until 2152 for wage parity at the current rate of change, Mogul set out to identify the companies worldwide leading the change and paving the way forward for the future of the workplace. With millennials joining and thereby impacting the workforce, we collectively have the opportunity to better shape workplace innovation and accelerate cultural transformation.” - Mogul

This recent Mogul award came from two years of HR interviews, employee surveys and research conducted by the Mogul team to find companies that align with their mission.

Through Mogul, our HR team promotes job postings and featured stories that highlight our Women’s Network, women in STEM, CSR initiatives and leadership development for women. Mogul helps women, primarily age 18-34, connect with each other and share information across 194 countries and more than 30,000 cities. We are using Mogul to help connect with this tremendous pipeline of future talent. See more here: